A top #Question people have about #Terrorism is "What are Terrorism threat Levels?" (as identified at/by "AnswerThePublic.com" (https://answerthepublic.com/reports/cdfaa792-943a-4dbd-b4c2-934a4c456860).
I (Joseph M Lenard (Author of: "Terror Strikes - Coming soon to a City near you!")) have discussed that "It is a Myth that Terrorism disappeared during #WuhanVirus hysteria #lockdowns" during many of the Interviews (see sampling via: https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews) I've been doing to discuss Terrorism in general and that HOPING IT WILL NOT AFFECT YOU is not a strategy. Yes, we have to Live our Lives, but also have situational awareness and sense of "alert" to what is going on about/around us.
While I am more a DuckDuckGo or GIBIRU user when it comes to finding important and factual information on serious topics to be researched, one thing GOOGLE is good for is their Google Alerts system. It is not that #Terrorism greatly declined during #COVID then I ask/suggest a test of your resolve to your position / "faith" that it was not just that the #MainStreamMedia, as it far too often does, picked and chose stories based upon "narratives" and an "agenda" they preferred to tout rather than Report ALL THE #NEWS! Go to http://google.com/alerts and setup an alert (choose daily digest setting before saving to avoid onslaught of items into your email inbox) for "Terror Strikes" which will deliver daily "SOME" (as again, they do not, will not, deliver you all results but too pick-and-choose some results, filter them, based upon Google's own Political agenda and bias), but you will see a "sampling" of so many Terror Attacks and #Terrorists activities you are hearing nothing about on your News Station (no matter the Station). See too #google search results for: (terrorist) https://www.google.com/search?q=terrorist, (terrorism) https://www.google.com/search?q=terrorism, and (counter-terrorism) https://www.google.com/search?q=counter-terrorism; and perhaps compare to what you find at/via DuckDuckGo: (Terror Strikes) https://duckduckgo.com/?q=terror+strikes&atb=v268-1&iar=news&ia=news; and/or GIBIRU (Terror Strikes): https://gibiru.com/results.html?q=Terror+Strikes.
Once you've come to the realization that you've been manipulated yet again to/for #Political agendas and potentially lulled into a false sense of #Security in regard to this topic (as "Theresa" discovers in the "Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you!" chapter titled "Naperville (yes, as in Chicago IL USA suburb) that "she was more an Ostrich than the Mama Bear she need be" (see that and other Quotes from the book at: https://TerrorStrikes.info/quotes)) and that is why "Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you!" is a book needing to be on YOUR MUST #READ LIST for 2022 and beyond.

see related:
related "Threat levels" information:
General: https://science.howstuffworks.com/terror-alert-level.htm
General: https://www.visionofhumanity.org/maps/global-terrorism-index/#/
USA: https://www.dhs.gov/national-terrorism-advisory-system
USA: https://www.newamerica.org/international-security/reports/terrorism-in-america/what-is-the-threat-to-the-united-states-today/
UK: https://www.gov.uk/terrorism-national-emergency
UK: https://young.scot/get-informed/national/what-is-a-terrorism-threat-level
Netherlands: https://www.government.nl/topics/counterterrorism-and-national-security/risk-of-an-attack-threat-level
New Zealand: https://www.nzsis.govt.nz/our-work/counter-terrorism/national-terrorism-threat-level/
Australia: https://www.police.act.gov.au/safety-and-security/national-security
Sweden: https://polisen.se/en/the-swedish-police/Raising-general-awareness-of-terrorism-related-issues/
Germany: https://www.bmi.bund.de/EN/topics/security/counter-terrorism/counter-terrorism-node.html
EU: https://www.europol.europa.eu/crime-areas-and-statistics/crime-areas/terrorism

(Terrorism #Questions image Source: "Answer The Public" (AnswerThePublic.com (specifically: https://answerthepublic.com/reports/cdfaa792-943a-4dbd-b4c2-934a4c456860)) including some of the following (addressed in the TERROR STRIKES book): How Terrorism affects Border Security? How Terrorism affects Mental Health? How Terrorism affects Society? Can Terrorism be prevented? Why Terrorism is a Threat? Will Terrorism increase? Will Terrorism Stop? Where Terrorism typically occurs? What are Terrorism threat levels? What Terrorist want? more.... Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you!
Terror Strikes Book site: http://TerrorStrikes.info
Contact the Author: http://TerrorStrikes.info/contact
See the TERROR STRIKES book Movie Trailer: http://TerrorStrikes.info/trailer
Autographed copies - see: http://TerrorStrikes.info/buy
Media inquiries: Joseph M Lenard jlenard@terrorstrikes.info 734-282-0643 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bit about Joseph M. Lenard:
Joseph is very politically active in south-east Michigan. He is a MIGOP Delegate, a member of current MICD12GOP and is the webmaster for the MI 12CDRC as well as the Taylor Republican Club, as also a member of the Wayne-12CDRC and is the editor for its newsletter.
Joseph’s body of works contain copyrighted and published poetry. Joseph has written and recorded music, in the tradition of the Lenard family legacy; though not entirely in the tradition of his father Thaddeus, who was creator/leader of “The Polka Kings” that often toured throughout northeast United States.
In addition, Joseph has about a dozen copyrighted short-stories including Watchful Eyes (sci-fi), Blue Monday (political thriller), Funhouse of Terror (horror) to his credit, as well as one other novel titled, The Gestapo Kidnap File. Joseph was also winner of CJOM (Windsor Ontario Canada) radio contest in the 1980’s with his radio play “The Adventures of Detective Idle” based upon the Billy Idol song, Eyes without a Face, to which it was paired with.
He resides in Michigan. see too the full ABOUT THE AUTHOR page. https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/january-6-hearings-and-the-overblown-right-wing-extremist-terrorism-narrative-addressed-by-joseph-m-lenard-author-of-bestselling-historical-fiction-book-terror-strikes