see too JMLenard Author Website
- li pişt pirtûkê
Ev NE pirtûkek li ser mirinê ye, lê pirtûkek li ser JIYÊN û yên ku dê we ji Jiyan, Azadî, û Lêgerîna Bextewariyê mehrûm bikin.
Fair warning - many deem this book controversial and upsetting in many places, which it is meant to be. Meant to MAKE PEOPLE THINK! Challenge their own and others intentions, motives, own morality and mortality. - Joseph M Lenard
Ger we sînopsîs xwendibe, hûn ê jixwe pirê vê yekê pir baş fam bikin, û ez bê guman hêvî dikim ku hûn li hêviya serbestberdana pirtûkê ne ku ji xwendina tevahî kêfê bistînin û dê ji yên din re jî pêşniyar bikin. Dê hin têgihîştinek din hebe ku hûn bixwazin ji vê beşê derxînin...
Ev pirtûk ji bo hemî temaşevanan - ciwan, pîr, û li her deverê; nêr, mê; dîndar, nedînî; siyasî, ne siyasî. Lê ne mimkûn e ku meriv li ser vê mijarê û ji bo çi dixwazin me bikujin bêyî ku li hin metnên olî û siyasetê bigerin. Tewrat, Încîla Pîroz, û Quran, hemî, cîhên ku tê de têne navnîş kirin.
Karakterê navendî di vê pirtûkê de jiyana xwe li ser peyva nivîskî ava kiriye. Bi navgîniya dewlemendiya zanyarî, têkilî û pisporiya vî karakterî, me agahdariya li ser bingeha rastîn nirxand û perspektîfek dîrokî pêşkêşî rêzika çîrokî ya xeyalî kir.
Bi karanîna forma "pirtûka di nav pirtûkê de", û hîna nûtir û rojanetir "bloga di nav pirtûkê de." Ez hewl didim ku hevsengiyek di navbera peydakirina agahdariya ku hûn jixwe hay jê hebin, an na, peyda bikim; û bi awakî xweş ew di formatek ku biryarê dide we ka hûn wê binirxînin an jî derbas bikin da ku hûn li dû şopandina xeta çîroka xeyalî bidomînin.
Pir dê bi kêmasî, sernivîsên ku di encama çalakiyên terorîstî de hatine çêkirin di nav rûpelên vê destnivîsê de nas bikin. Dem, lêbelê, ronî û zanyariyên zêde li ser wan bûyer û nûçeyan rijandiye. Di rewşên din de, tiştê ku zelal xuya bû ji hêla agahdariya nû ve ji ya ku we di wê demê de zanibûya an jî fikirîbû ewr bûye.
Bikaranîna agahdariya bingehîn û kesên rastîn (wek ku wekî terorîst têne nas kirin, belkî bi çalakiya sûcdar têne tawanbar kirin an na - wekî ku di pêşengiya rojnamegeriyê de bi karanîna navûdengê gelemperî destûr tê dayîn) bi karakter û bûyerên xeyalî ve girêdayî dihêle ku xwendevan bi potansiyela, realîzma pêşkeftî, û/an pêbaweriya bûyerên potansiyel ên xeyalî yên vê pirtûkê ve girêdayî bin.
Bandora gerdûnî ya civakên terorîst û bandora li seranserê cîhanê. Di hundurê de armancên terorîst ên berê hebûn, hem ewên ku bi serfirazî di êrîşên terorîstî de hatine wergerandin, hem jî yên ku hatine têkbirin, hem jî yên ku hatine texmîn kirin.
Di heman demê de min hewl da ku vê medyayê bikar bînim da ku hin zanyariyên bingehîn, şehrezayî, têgeh, teorî û hêj bêtir bidim da ku ji bilî xebatek bingehîn a çîrokê bêtir pêşkêşî bikim. Daxwaz ew e ku di warên psîkolojiyê de xwarina ramanê bide hişê xwendevanan; teîzm; hawirdora siyasî ya nûjen, bi giştî û heta niha wek gefên terorê; û hîn; li derveyî têgîn û sînorên çîroka xeyalî.
Hûn biryar didin ka hûn danasîna van têgehan, vê agahiyê, wekî bingehek ji bo lêhûrbûna zêde bişopînin an na, wê ji holê rakin û agahdarî wekî beşek ji nirxa şahî ya giştî ya vê weşanê bihêlin.
Xalên siyasî ji bo nîqaşkirina li dora weya sarker an jî mîtînga partiya siyasî guncan in.
Joseph M. Lenard
see too JMLenard Author Website
A bit about Joseph M. Lenard:
Joseph is very politically active in south-east Michigan. He is a MIGOP Delegate, a member of current MICD12GOP and is the webmaster for the MI 12CDRC as well as the Taylor Republican Club, as also a member of the Wayne-12CDRC and is the editor for its newsletter.
Joseph’s body of works contain copyrighted and published poetry. Joseph has written and recorded music, in the tradition of the Lenard family legacy; though not entirely in the tradition of his father Thaddeus, who was creator/leader of “The Polka Kings” that often toured throughout northeast United States.
In addition, Joseph has about a dozen copyrighted short-stories including Watchful Eyes (sci-fi), Blue Monday (political thriller), Funhouse of Terror (horror) to his credit, as well as one other novel titled, The Gestapo Kidnap File. Joseph was also winner of CJOM (Windsor Ontario Canada) radio contest in the 1980’s with his radio play “The Adventures of Detective Idle” based upon the Billy Idol song, Eyes without a Face, to which it was paired with.
He resides in Michigan.
Learn more about "Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you!" by reading more on the HOME page or consider reading the special https://TerrorStrikes.info/synopsis page (see too the https://TerrorStrikes.info/about-the-book and https://TerrorStrikes.info/behind-the-book (page you are currently on) pages).
Do you do a Radio Show or Podcast? Would you like to discuss the many issues touched upon in this Book?
Reach out at: http://TerrorStrikes.info/contact.
Important questions to be examined…
Have Terror Strikes STOPPED during the Wuhan Lockdowns?
Would a national/federal BROKEN WINDOWS policing policy have prevented 9/11?
What are GIJIA? and/or What is a GIJIAS?
What is SCHRODINGER CAT theorem and what does it have to do with this book?
Who was ARETHUSA and what does she have to do with Terrorism today?
How do I avoid metaphors in my book and why? (humor)
What genre is this book, really? (not as simple as you'd assume)
What does HELL MICHIGAN have to do with this book?
more (see discussion points)….
see too: interviews/media.
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From the Author
This is NOT a book about death, but one about LIFE (and Living) and of those (foreign and domestic) that would deprive others of that Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
This book is intended for all audiences - young, old, and everywhere in-between; male, female, not just for macho shoot-em-up, blood and guts, fare; religious, non-religious; political, non-political. However, it is impossible to address the topics and why they want to kill us without delving into some religious texts and politics. The Torah, the Holy Bible, and the Quran, are all addressed.
Islamic fundamentalists (GIJIAS (Global Islamic Jihadist Interim Army Soldiers)) terrorists - who they are, what they have done, what they are doing, and why they will never be able to be persuaded to stop.
From the Inside Flap
"Terror Strikes - Coming soon to a City near you!" from Joseph M. Lenard who puts the traditional "formulaic writing guidelines" through the shredder for a book like no other about Terrorism and Counter-Strike teams Counter-Terrorism.
Joseph M Lenard and Terror Strikes book affiliated with...
the Authors Show, Buy Michigan Now, Illumify Media / McHenry Press, Kreative Circle, Mammoth Nation, OnlineBookClub, PSI-TV.
This is NOT a book about death, but one about LIFE (and Living) and of those (foreign and domestic) that would deprive someone of that Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
Live your Life, but be aware, be alert, maintain situational awareness.
Ez her dem li derfetên nû û balkêş digerim. Werin em girêdan.
Keywords: Terror, Terrorism, Terrorists, Situational Awareness, the future of Terror, Politics, Faith, Religion, Christian, Christianity, Islam, Islamic, Jew, Judaism, Judeo/Christian, Political Thriller, Terrorism Thrillers, Political Fiction, FACTion, Historical Fiction, Political Thrillers and Suspense, book, books, #bookstagram, best-seller, best seller, #readabook, #TheAuthorsShow, PSItv, reading is fundamental, Goodreads, The Online Book Club, BooksAMillion, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, Softcopy, Suicide, Suicide Prevention, Crime, Criminals, Justice Reform, ILLUMIFY media, McHenry Press, Self Publishing, Radio, TV, Podcast, WIX, Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo, Mass shooting, Constitution, Conservative, Conservatism, United States, Buy, Shop, Shopping, Gift, Gifts, Fathers Day, Memorial Day, Armed Forces Day, Veterans Day, Jessica Star, Robin Willian, Anthony Bordain, Hitler, Saddam Huessein, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, GIJIA, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Nuclear, War, War on Terrorism, WWII, WWIII, World War Three, situational awareness, counter-terrorism, counter-strike team