see too JMLenard Author Website
- Vorstellungsgespräche
TERROR STRIKES: Affiliates, Interviews, Merch, Press Releases, Quotes, Reviews, Trailer
Terror Strikes - Was ist das für ein Buch? Was für ein Genre ist das TERROR STRIKES -Buch? Ist es mehr als der Titel vermuten lässt?
#UnitedStates is a #Constitution limited #Republic. Our #founders purposely and intentionally placed #Checks and #Balances (#FASCICRATS try destroy) to avoid a #MOBocracy. Therefore word " #Democracy " (Left doesn't want either, instead they want a ONE #PARTY #Rule #FASCIST #Nation) does not appear in my PRO #America (#MAGA, and #MAGOPGA (Make American #GOP Great Again (Return to #Republican Party #Constitutional #Conservative #Platform))) #book even once.
#ROAR - #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic
see too:
TERROR STRIKES: Affiliates, Interviews, Merch, Press Releases, Quotes, Reviews, Trailer
This is NOT a book about death, but one about LIFE (and Living) and of those (foreign and domestic) that would deprive someone of that Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
Live your Life, but be aware, be alert, maintain situational awareness.
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