see too JMLenard Author Website
(Thaddeus M Lenard RIP 4/10/13, after years following 3rd Stroke)
and just what do they have to do with this book?
[last page update(s): Fri. May 26 2023]
Joseph M Lenard got his creative gene from his Fathers side where both his Father and his GrandFather wrote and recorded Polka Music.
This page provides a sample of Thaddeus M Lenard (creator/leader - aka: Ted Lenard Jr) of a THE POLKA KINGS original.

from ARTISTINFO: "The Polka Kings Arrive" https://music.metason.net/artistinfo?name=Ted%20Lenard%20Jr%20And%20The%20Polka%20Kings&title=The%20Polka%20Kings%20Arrive
Discogs (discography, partial): https://www.discogs.com/artist/5461320-The-Polka-Kings-2
In memory of Ted (Obituary):

Thanks to EBAY and some gracious sellers, I now have copies of the releases again... BACKGROUND (I sent the info below to the Sellers after the Sale and the items successfully delivered and now in my 2,500+ LP's collection)...
Hello, Thank you so much, I received The Polka Kings delivery; I was worried they might get warped during delivery in the Summer heat, but Thankfully they are IN 100% CONDITION.
I want to hear all about how/why you had my Fathers' release.
Yes, that's right, I am Joseph M Lenard, the Son of Thaddeus (Ted) M Lenard (Jr).
After long, drawn out, copyright lawsuits, versus Don Martin who re-released them without having my Fathers' (the official copyright holder) permission (and behind his back), which my Father won the lawsuit and the re-releases had to stop, he was very upset, disillusioned, and tossed all the copies he/we had. I still have a couple of 45RPMs they released, but me and my sister had longed to get copies again.
Why now? I got the creative gene from my Father (and his Father, Thaddeus M Lenard Sr, who also wrote and toured doing Polka Music) and finally, after decades of writing, finally Published/released my first book (Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you!) and the topic of my Father has come up during several Podcasts (see: http://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews) so I dedicated a page to him on my book site - see: http://TerrorStrikes.info/the-polka-kings [this page].
So, now that I have a #1 "Political Thriller" Historical Fiction book (see: http://TerrorStrikes.info/bestseller) and sharing with the World the greatness of THE POLKA KINGS again, I want to have copies again.
Hope you'll fill me in on your how/why - via: jlenard@terrorstrikes.info
[stay tuned to this page, I hope the Ebay Sellers will indeed reach out to me, and I can/will share their stories with you to continue this saga]
Ebay seller (of "Arrive" LP) response...
New message from: 2005lennyb
Hi, I collect polka music. I've had a store with ebay since 2005. I'm from Nebraska where Czech style is more popular. I play drums with my sons band. He is 20 and quite talented. He plays button accordion, tuba, trombone and baritone. I was raised around polka music. Used to go to dances every weekend with my parents and grandparents. Things have really died down since then. Still trying to keep the music alive and going. Thanks Lenny!

Ted Lenard Jr. died 4/10/13 widowing his Wife Donna Jean (later died (7/30/21) from complications of Alzheimers) and leaving Son Joseph M. Lenard and Daughter Michelle Collette.