see too JMLenard Author Website
This Visitor Map/Stats Page (WebStats) collection as of March 14, 2023 (12:00 ET)
I used the somewhat "ODD VISIT" (Some Visitors have an indication of how they navigated in, like clicked a SocialMedia-site link, navigated in from DuckDuckGo, etc., this one just was generic recording of coming in potentially a direct URL type into a Browser Navigation Bar; would have loved to known how/where they discovered Joseph M Lenard and the Terror Strikes book) as PROMOTIONAL opportunity to demonstrate that my book is indeed INTERNATIONAL IN SCOPE (with specific chapters dealing with/in/at Toronto Ontario Canada, London England, Madrid Spain, Tokyo Japan, as well as touching on France and other locales but not via own dedicated chapter) and GETTING NOTICE AROUND THE WORLD by posting the following Post on all 15 of my SocialMedia platform accounts when someone from "The Republic of Mauritius" surfed into/onto my Author(https://JosephMLenard.us)Site....
This is specific GAB.com Post text...
Very interesting, just got a visit to my Author (https://JosephMLenard.us) site from The Republic of Mauritius.... That was somewhere I was completely unfamiliar with until just now!! :) https://www.mymauritius.travel/
I get the peek-ins I get over and over from China, Russia, even Iran, as the #book calls them out and therefore I likely deemed an #EnemyOfTheState of those Tyrannies (they are not fond of my ATROCITY chapter especially (https://TerrorStrikes.info/table-of-contents) LOL.
Wonder where the People of The Republic of Mauritius get their Books from? Shipping from USA would likely be A FORTUNE!!!
Hell it costs $22 to send a book from USA into Canada, which is why I tell any inquiring from The Great White North to use http://Amazon.ca (or other International Shopping locations/sites), shipping between our two Nations used to be NEXT TO NOTHING. So I hate to imagine how ridiculous it would be to ship from US to The Republic of Mauritius. So definitely BUY LOCAL when/where possible.