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Joseph M Lenard would like to Thank CIMX (88.7 FM, Windsor Ontario Canada) for continuing to look for a better quality digital copy (the originally and Professionally (by them) recorded for air) of this old Gem (currently recovered from old typed copy from Copyright 1984 application, read by the Author Joseph M Lenard).
CJOM (89x, formerly Alternative Music Station, now/currently known as CIMX (Pure Country)) played a large role in Joseph M Lenard's early/formative writing years/skills. Joseph M Lenard Won a week of CJOM's (89x's) "Radio Play" Contest.
Below is that Radio Play that was Joe's winning entry, and how Billy Idol (as Joe said he had) "affirmed" his writing talent as his "The Adventures of Detective Idle" won as Radio Play among 1,000's of entries to accompany the "Song pick of the Week (Billy Idol's 'Eyes without a Face')"

now CIMX

Learn how/where to get a FREE COPY of Terror Strikes from ART on AFFILATES page.
And, of course, be sure to see BILLY IDOL in THE WEDDING SINGER movie (if you haven't already)
TERROR STRIKES: Affiliates, Interviews, Press Releases, Quotes, Reviews, Trailer
Since we're talking about Canada, and yes it is TRUE that Windsor Ontario Canada is actually South-East of Detroit Michigan USA - the juxtaposition of the Michigan Mitten (Thumb area) and way Ontario tucks under - across the Ambassador Bridge (just off I-75 Freeway) or Detroit/Windsor Tunnel accessed via Downtown Detroit (or soon coming Gordie Howe International Bridge, also via I-75 Freeway but further South; so some traffic can bypass going too deep into Detroit just to cross-over to Canadian destinations).
I used to go over to Windsor Ontario Canada all the time, was hardly no more a big deal than traveling down to Toledo Ohio. My favorite Bar "California's Musical Road-House" in Windsor back when, stop at Trevi's for Gnocchi (which is now a Sushi place (and as discussed in an episode of SAVAGED UNFILTERED (co-hosted by Joseph M Lenard) Podcast)), etc... Post-9/11, of course, all that changed. The opening of Gordie Howe Bridge access will help divide some of the Customs tie-ups between locations/crossing to help speed things up a bit again, but ease of crossing will never, ever, go back like it used to be.
I used to Vacation up on Sparrow Lake (Orillia Ontario (North of Toronto*) hometown area of Gordon Lightfoot (RIP)) all the time before 9/11. Miss those days, but times-change, life goes on, our habits adjust/alter.
* Quick reminder: Terror Strikes is an International book (and also NOT just about big/urban centers hence the "Coming Soon TO A CITY NEAR YOU" as Terrorism can/does happen anytime, anywhere (seriously, think the E. Palestine Ohio train incident, whether accident or Terrorism the Terror Strikes TULSA chapter basically foretold of its coming; think the Amtrak derailment between St. Louis and Chicago route in Rural area; Mass-Shootings in locations like Iowa, Arkansas, and Virginia suburbs, more; etc.; and as also pondered in the NAPERVILLE chapter), these days, nowhere is safe/immune) and there is a TORONTO (YYZ) chapter (as well as LONDON England, MADRID Spain, and TOKYO Japan, chapters).